The Orland FFA Legacy

The Orland FFA started in 1929, just one year after the creation off the National FFA in 1928. Throughout our 86 years of service the Orland FFA has had six National Proficiency finalists and one National Proficiency winner. We have also had 16 State Proficiency finalists. 23 American FFA degree recipients have come from our chapter as well as 191 State Degree Recipients. We've had 7 CDE State Champions, 7 State Speaking Finalists, 31 Master Chapters/Superior Chapter Awards, and just this year our chapter received the National Chapter Award. The proud history of the Orland FFA will live for many years to come and these numbers of awards will grow as well as the number of students enrolled in this great FFA Chapter.

(Top: Orland FFA officer team 1948-49)
(Bottom: Orland FFA officer team 2014-15)