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Orland ffa Activities & Events

Here you will find a list of Orland FFA Activities and Events as well as descriptions of them. The FFA consists of many activities not only in school, but also in the community, around the state, and MORE.

Welcome Green
Greenhand Informational &
Ice cream social 

The Orland FFA Leadership class held our first annual "Welcome to Green Hands" Ice Cream Social, on August 20th, 2015. At the social, Green hands were welcomed by our officer team as well as a few leadership members, then were separated into groups; in each group they were informed about the different committees in our FFA chapter, as well as the events and competitions our chapter takes part in.

After the rotations in which they learned about what we do in the FFA, we sent them outside to "Points Planning" in which they plan how they have decided to earn their share of points in the FFA chapter throughout the year. 

Finally, we served them ice cream, in which they had to ask an FFA related question to get the ice cream and toppings they wanted.

This even was a huge success and believed to play a major role in the Greenhands lovely participation so far.

Farm Day
Farm Day @ THe glenn county fair grounds

August 16th, 2015. FFA members went to the Glenn County Fair Grounds for FARM DAY. A day where countless fourth graders come to learn about different things in agriculture. Our memebers spoke to the kids about the Public Speaking we do here in the FFA, and told them of the wonderful benifits of public speaking. 

The kids were very excited and very interested in the presentation and information given on that day.

Homecoming          Sandwich Sales

 PorK Sandwich Lunches

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 YFR Luncheon
Young Farmers and ranchers Lunch

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Spirit Warming Fire
FUn fire and S'mores

August 23rd, 2015, the FFA held a fun spirit fire social. We were located on the school farm North of the barns in a designated area approved by the Orland Fire Department. That day had perfect weather for the event. It rained very early giving us moisture to keep the fire in check and was dry and cool the rest of the day. 

Once we had a large group of guests, we lit the bonfire which was a magnificent event. 

The rest of the night was full of socializing, s'mores, and tons of fun.

This event was such a hot off, we plan to incorporate it into a tradition.

Spaghetti Feed

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Green Hand Leadership Conference

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101 Shasta Street, Orland, CA 95963

© 2015 by OFFA

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