Dear Parents and Community Members,
Orland FFA and the FFA Advisory Board are looking to help reduce the cost for the Annual Rib Feed. The fundraiser monies are used to help support purchasing project supplies, reduce costs for FFA trips and scholarships. Due to the state of our economy, food and supply costs have increased which has reduced our margin of profit. We are asking for community supportthrough donations. Here are lists of items that could be donated to hep cut costs. These items can be brought to the FFA program any time between now and January 10th. If you can provide anything it would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!
If anyone is interested in donating Financially, that would be wonderful too!
Thank you!!!
Food Donations:
Costco and Cash n' Carry sell these items, spices and seasonings in one pound and gallon sizes. If everyone donated a little we could end p with what we neede... or close to it!
-Butter- 4 boxes of Sm. butter chips (Cash n' Carry)
-salt and pepper- small packets
-1 bag red onions (please don't donate until January)
-VanDeCamp (40 cans)
-2 gallons white Vinegar
-3 large bottles of Worcestershire Sauce
-8 gallons ketchup
- 10 gallons Cattlemans BBQ sauce
-Light brown sugar (need 25 lbs)
-dark brown sugar (40lbs)
-onion powder (5lbs)
-chili powder (3lbs)
-salt (3lbs)
-pepper (3lbs)
-Paper napkins- durable... it needs to stand up to ribs
-welding gloves
-paper bowls
-paper/styrofoam drinking cups
-small paper plates for desserts
-paper towels
-foil- heavy duty (large roll)
-ziplock bags- gallon size
-gallon dish washing liquid soap