Sunshine and Rainbows

Hey! Sheridan here. Let me tell you a little about my favorite thing; Orland F.F.A. It may not be all sunshine and rainbows 24/7, but it's one of the best things that has happened to me. Before I got into high school, I was incredibly shy and nervous. I never liked speaking in front of large crowds. But then, Ms. Canon pushed me head-first into Public Speaking, and I thank the Heavens that she did. As a frosh, I did Creed, O/C, and Parlimentary Procedure. Because of this, I am now much more confident. I am currently running for a chapter officer. Even if I don't make it, I still plan to do all that I can for my chapter. I am so proud of everyone in my chapter and my fellow candidates for putting themselves out there and showing others what they're made of. Good luck to all my fellow candidates, and never stop believing in yourself. Especially Selena(;